Sunday, September 27, 2020

Plate Tectonics

...the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11

"Tang and his coauthors created a 3-D spherical model that shows
the development of massive rifts in the crust due to thermal expansion. They believe these rifts originated about a billion years after Earth formed through the heating of the lithosphere (the tectonic plate) by the hotter mantle below. In their model, this thermal expansion caused rifting into separate plates.
Q: But did they really solve the origin of the tectonic plates
Their model merely showed that cracks could develop under the conditions that they established. It is highly unlikely this was the way Earth’s plates originated. 
Q: If so, why didn’t similar-sized planets, like Venus and Mars, develop massive rifts—and eventually plates—as well?

And their model also fails to explain how the subduction process—when one tectonic plate is pulled under another—began and even how plate motion was initiated. Tang and his colleagues wrote:

The initiation of a global network of rifts, as modeled here, is distinct from plate tectonics because plate tectonics includes creation of new lithosphere at rifts and destruction of old lithosphere at subduction zones. Absent an expanding Earth hypothesis, a global rift network is unsustainable: Earth’s surface cannot extend without balancing contraction [subduction].

It all comes down to worldview. 
Most of the secular community denies the account of the global Flood as described in Genesis. They have had to create a
narrative—a fictional story—to try and explain the tectonic plates we observe today.

In contrast, God has told us that the Flood began with the bursting of the fountains of the great deep in Genesis 7:11.
---It seems most likely that this initiated the plates on Earth. -Movement of these newly formed plates destroyed the original ocean crust through subduction and created an entirely new seafloor. 
This new, hot and lower-density ocean crust pushed the water of the ocean higher and higher until the entire earth was covered with water. 
---Today, we merely see the residual effects of this rapid and catastrophic activity."