Saturday, August 22, 2020

SDA Issues - Should Diop Resign?

"The truth is finally coming out. Just last week Ganoune Diop published a polemic essay defending the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s involvement in interfaith relationships with Roman Catholics and other churches.
The article was circulated far and wide by the Adventist Review, a
church-owned publication. In the article Ganoune Diop criticized with cruel and bitter vitriol all those who oppose his meetings with Pope Francis and the interfaith movement.

It turns out that Ganoune Diop conveniently forgot to mention to the global readership of the Adventist Review that he is currently completing a PhD degree at a Roman Catholic seminary. So while Diop was defending the church’s interfaith relationship with Rome and while he was attacking Seventh-day Adventists for questioning those relationships, Diop failed to disclose a major, personal conflict of interest.

Diop is a pupil and he is being trained, disciplined and indoctrinated by the agents of Rome. This makes his report in the Adventist Review dishonest, biased and unfair. It makes his attacks against faithful Seventh-day Adventists repugnant and scandalous. He ought to do the honorable thing and apologize. Then he should resign.

Diop has a special connection with the top Roman Catholic Cardinals in the Catholic Church. Catholic Cardinals such as Alfred Baudrillart, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Cardinal Franc Rode, Cardinal George Alencherry and Cardinal André Vingt-Trois.

What “common ground” and “shared interest” does Ganoune Diop have with these top agents of Rome? They are all cut from the same cloth. Diop is attending the same Roman Catholic seminary that prominent leaders in Rome have already gone through.

Ganoune Diop has earned a PhD candidacy from the Institut Catholique de Paris (Catholic University of Paris). This means that he has completed all of his coursework, classes and examinations and is currently working on his thesis/dissertation at this Roman Catholic institution. This is not just any ordinary Catholic institution – it is a university that prides itself in providing “training which meet the academic standards of the Holy See.”
Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Daniel 3:17, 18