Saturday, August 22, 2020

IN the NEWS - MORALITY PILLS? (Dangerous Days for America)

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:19

From Democrat candidates calling for "Population Control" during the debates (Sanders--and no one raising their hands on the debate stage to object) to now People in the Public Arena calling for so-called Morality Pills to force what amounts to obedience to the state. IMAGINE what one could do with this in the end times...
AND NOTICE--to Leftists, like these from academia, Morality is defined as OBEDIENCE to the state (them/their agenda).

"University of Western Michigan philosophy professor Parker Crutchfield recently suggested getting people to take a pill to promote more “pro-social” behavior in order to better fight off COVID-19.

He argues that the United States is not equipped for a fight against the disease just by expecting everyone to work together, as in, say, World Wars I and II.
Academic nonprofit The Conversation has published an opinion piece by ethicist Parker Crutchfield in which Crutchfield advocated for the compulsory use of “morality pills” to force people to comply with mask mandates.
To me, it seems the problem of coronavirus defectors could be solved by moral enhancement: like receiving a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior,” Crutchfield says,
acknowledging that the idea is a “far-out proposal that’s bound to be controversial.”
The bioethics professor goes on to bemoan the gall of citizens who refuse to comply with mask mandates, and recommends “moral enhancement,” which he describes as “the use of substances to make you more moral.”

The remedy to the latter problem, Crutchfield theorizes, “would be
to make moral enhancement compulsory or administer it secretly, perhaps via the water supply.”
Crutchfield’s moral enhancement strategy may not be as much of a “far-out proposal” as one may think at first glance.
Doctors have also recommended injecting lithium into the public water supply to combat record high rates of depression and suicide during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

2020: Richard Weikart of California State University, Stanislaus, notes that “morality pill” ideas have been widely promoted within the transhumanist movement, which aims at ultimately transcending death through technology. He warns:
transhumanists have no basis for any objective morality,
so whenever they talk about promoting morality, they are merely pushing for whatever they personally think is moral. If other people disagree with their moral vision, then there is no way to adjudicate (other than by reference to who has the power to impose their morality on others—the Nietzschean solution). This means that whatever “morality pills” are administered to the public will be to impose the moral vision of the technocratic elite, rather than to promote objective moral standards."