Thursday, August 6, 2020

Joel -Prophet of the Latter Rain SERIES: The Crescendo

Chapter II.

"1. The message in the second chap­ter of Joel is appallingly more serious than the message in the first chapter:a. "Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their
children." Joel 1: 3. Here, from generation to generation, men were to "tell " of the approaching catastrophe.
b.  "Blow ye the trumpet, . . . sound an alarm." Joel 2: 1. It is now pres­ent, not future, action.
c. The "palmerworm," "locust, ' "cankerworm," a n d "caterpillar" (Joel 1: 4) were only preliminary judgments, but each was precursor and pledge of the final great dissolu­tion.

2. The ruin brought to view in the second chapter of Joel is greater than in Joel 1:
a. In the first chapter of Joel the ruin wrought by the seven last plagues pertains to things on the ground. Joel 1: 12, 17.
b. In the second chapter the ruin comes to cities, nations, races; even the heavens are affected. Joel 2:9, 6, 11, 13.

3. The greatest agencies of "that day" swing to view in Joel 2:
a. Surely the coming of the Lord could not be signalized alone by a lo­cust invasion, whose swarms were to be swept into the sea (Joel 1:4-6)
b. Neither simply by the assault of heathen nations, who, in this earth, would bring down their crime on their own head. Joel 2: 20; 3: 4."