Friday, August 7, 2020

Creation Moment 8/8/2020 - New Theory Same Foolishness as the Old

I have seen the foolish taking root... Job 5:3

"A “radical new theory” for the origin of life, as presented by Michael Marshall at New Scientist, “rewrites the story of how life on Earth began.
It is so radical that it is nearly identical to a joke used by creationist speakers mocking evolution. One such speaker, showing the folly of evolution, would quip that a fully-assembled car was not designed; it just “oozed up out of the pavement.” He got a good laugh from the audience.
Now, try to read what Marshall says without laughing – if you can:
Many ideas have been proposed to explain how it [life]
began. Most are based on the assumption that cells are too complex to have formed all at once, so life must have started with just one component that survived and somehow created the others around it. When put into practice in the lab, however, these ideas don’t produce anything particularly lifelike. It is, some researchers are starting to realize, like trying to build a car by making a chassis and hoping wheels and an engine will spontaneously appear.
Are you laughing yet?"