Sunday, August 2, 2020

IN the NEWS - Collapse of Morality

"According to a new Gallup poll, more Americans (43%) said buying or wearing fur clothing is morally wrong than said sex outside of marriage (27%), divorce (18%), or homosexual acts (32%) were unacceptable.

Well, you could sum up this poll with one verse of Scripture, “they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25).
And 44% say abortion is morally acceptable, while only 18% believe suicide is morally acceptable. So why is it okay to murder unborn children but not kill yourself? In a biblical worldview we can say both are wrong, but in a secular view this distinction is totally arbitrary.
Just over one in three (36%) say pornography is morally acceptable—but only 9% are okay with adultery. But, again, that’s completely arbitrary—it’s okay to look at and fantasize over explicit images and videos of women and men, but it’s wrong to go out and act on fantasies with others who are married?"