Sunday, August 2, 2020

Creation Moment 8/3/2020 - Romans 8:22 & DNA G-quadruplexes

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
DNA G-quadruplexes may show us the ramifications of sin---the groaning of all Creation--right down to the cellular level of the malfunction of an otherwise brilliantly DESIGNED system.

"Quadruple helix structures, called DNA G-quadruplexes, have previously been detected in cells. However, the technique used required either killing the cells or using high concentrations of
chemical probes to visualize their formation, so their actual presence within living cells under normal conditions has not been tracked.
Now, a research team led by University of Cambridge scientists has invented a fluorescent marker that is able to attach to DNA G-quadruplexes in living human cells.
Dr. Di Antonio and colleagues think G-quadruplexes form in DNA in order to temporarily hold it open and facilitate processes like transcription,
--where the DNA instructions are read
--and proteins are made.
This is a form of gene expression,
--where part of the genetic code in the DNA is activated.
DNA G-quadruplexes appear to be associated more often with genes involved in cancer, and are detected in larger numbers within cancer cells.
With the ability to now image a single DNA G-quadruplex at a time, we could track their role within specific genes and how these express in cancer,” the scientists said.
This fundamental knowledge could reveal new targets for drugs that interrupt the process.”