Thursday, July 16, 2020

IN the NEWS - National Day for Lesbian Visibility

"Argentina has presented a recommendation that March 7 be the “National Day for Lesbian Visibility” throughout the country.

The March 7 date would seek to commemorate Natalia Gaitán, a young lesbian who was murdered, as well as to honor the entire lesbian community.
The March 7 project would also call upon the National Ministry of Education to incorporate this day as part of the educational curriculum for school systems. This is all part of the new indoctrination program to bring the LGBT+ movement to light (visibility) as a source of pride, acceptance and social recognition.
On the contrary, March 7 should be a day of shame and disgrace because Argentina  has been in total economic and moral ruin for more than 20 years. Just outside the rainbow-colored capitol in Buenos Aires, young children are on the streets trying to “scrape by from meal to meal.” 13% of all children in Argentina  go hungry every night. Hunger and poverty are a real plague in Argentina, and the best these leaders can do is proclaim a new day for “lesbian visibility.”
But instead of repentance and mourning, there is a cry of joy. It is called the joyful cry of Sodom.
For the look on their faces bears witness against them; they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves.” Isaiah 3:9 (ESV).

 Remember, Abraham and Lot were minorities in Sodom and Gomorrah, and so it is today. Those who still believe and teach the moral truths of God’s word are again in the minority."