Friday, July 17, 2020

Creation Moment 7/18/2020 - "Big Bang" Problems Simplified

For he spake, and it was done... Psalm 33:9

"The big bang model has undergone a tremendous amount of refinement since it became the dominant cosmogony a half-century ago.
---In the 1970s, cosmologists identified two problems for the big
bang model, the horizon problem and the flatness problem.
---In the 1980s, cosmic inflation was developed to explain away these two problems.
*Cosmic inflation is a hypothetical brief hyper expansion of the universe (far faster than the speed of light) that occurred between 10-34 and 10-32 seconds after the universe came into existence. Cosmic inflation is widely accepted today, though there is no evidence for it."
AIG/Dr. Danny Faulkner