Monday, June 29, 2020

Real Christ vs. Catholic Christ

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

"The Jesus of the Roman Catholic Church is a fake Catholic Jesus, far from anything like the real Jesus of the Bible.

Why we can say that the Catholic Jesus is a fraud, a weak, useless and imaginary savior:

*He needs an imaginary goddess named Mary to help save you.
*He needs your penance to help save you.

*He needs the merits of dead saints to help save you.
*He needs you to recite repetitious prayers (like the rosary and novenas) to help save you.
*He needs the imaginary place called Purgatory to help save you.
*He needs the “stations of the cross” to help save you.
*He needs masses for the dead to help save you.
*He needs the “sacrifice of the mass” to help save you.
*He needs the “last rites” to help save you.
*He needs you to genuflect (bow down) in front of plaster statues to help save you."