Sunday, June 21, 2020

Papal Notes- "Prepare the Future"? Somebody's Blunt

... for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Revelation 18:23

"Pope Francis wants the Church to rebuild a more economically
just and ecologically conscious human family in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the priest helping co-ordinate the Vatican’s response. 
Fr Augusto Zampini Davies is a leading member of the Covid-19 commission set up by Pope Francis, and adjunct secretary of the human development dicastery which is leading work in the area. 
The Pope asked us: prepare the future, which is different from prepare for the future, Fr Augusto told The Tablet. 
This [pandemic] is terrible, but let’s take this as a wakeup call, to change things that were not working.”

The Argentine priest, who worked as a theological adviser to Cafod during a stint living in the UK, said the crisis is a chance to rethink the global financial system, tackle inequality and examine questions such as a universal basic income."