Sunday, June 21, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Stalks Planet for More Pressure Points

The Prince of Persia stalking the planet looking for Pressure Points to plunge the world into war---recently along the India-China border and between North & South Korea. Now in North Africa attempting to stir up possible war. All this while he stalks the planet with mobs of violence and economic turmoil caused by his taint of Covid-19.
But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass..... Luke 21:9

"The Egyptian media published a video of Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi inspecting the air force during a visit to the western military region.
Sisi reportedly urged his air force to be fully prepared to implement any mission to protect Egypt, whether inside or outside the border, at a moment of threatened Egyptian military intervention inside Libya in favor or pro-Haftar forces.
Regional reports say Sisi wants to halt the Tripoli GNA advance on retreating Haftar forces:
On Saturday Sisi said that Egypt did not want to intervene in Libya and generally favored a political solution, but added that "the situation now is different". "If some people think that they can cross the Sirte-Jufra frontline, this is a red line for us", he said before an audience that included some Libyan tribal leaders.
President Sisi's visit to the base near the Libyan border was set among military aircraft likely a 'show of force' to Tripoli:

Sisi stressed that “the Egyptian army is ready to carry out any tasks here or anywhere if necessary.”