Thursday, June 18, 2020

On the Streets of Babylon: LGBT the Pearl of Eternal Life?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be some comparing  "LGBT Lifestyle" to the Pearl of eternal life on the Streets of Babylon...

"...June 14, a man who claims to be a pastor who claims to be a
Baptist decided to claim he was a woman who is a homosexual.
So he still likes women, he just thinks he’s a woman.
So in reality, he’s actually not a gay woman, he’s a straight man who doesn’t understand human anatomy.
Justin Joplin serves as pastor of Lourne Park Baptist Church in Mississauga, Ontario. Justin is a man because he was born with XY chromosomes. If he killed someone and left blood at the crime scene, an all-points-bulletin would be issued for a man. Biology says he’s a man. God says he’s a man. So for the record, Pastor Justin is bad at both science and religion.
Justin used Sunday’s socially-distanced cyber-sermon to ‘come out of the closet’ to his congregation. His social media says that the disclosure was planned to correspond with gay-pride month.
Justin went on to liken his coming out as a ‘gay woman’ to finding the Pearl of Great Price ( which is rightfully interpreted as Jesus and eternal life) in Matthew 13."