Thursday, June 18, 2020

IN the NEWS - Exposing True Spirit of WokeMania

This Exposes the Hypocrisy and Cold Hearted PC True Spirit of those trying to be Woke in the brainwashed hysteria sweeping the Land.....the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12

"A video has emerged that shows an unidentified man approaching a crowd of doctors and nurses engaged in protest and holding up signs in front of their hospital.
He calls out to them: Do all black lives matter or just some black lives?’

The medical practitioners all respond in unison and with alacrity “All black lives!”

And black lives killed by black men matter, right?”

The crowd agrees, but not as forceful.

Then the hook: The black babies killed in the abortion clinics matter, right?


Silent, unblinking, agonizingly uncomfortable silence from those who are trained in biology and fetal development and should know better than anyone else, refusing to acknowledge the humanity of everyone but babies in the womb.

Thought so,” said the man." P&P