Monday, June 1, 2020

Evidence of Flood "Carved in Stone"

And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. Genesis 7:12

"A massive canyon rivalling Grand Canyon has been discovered
beneath the ice on Greenland, and uniformitarian scientists are explaining it as a consequence of flooding. We couldn’t agree more.

Greenland canyon is as deep as Grand Canyon and is about 450 miles long. It is too old to be a result of the Ice Age, so the mystery of how it could have formed has baffled uniformitarian geologists.

The team of geologists, led by Keisling, recognized that the Greenland canyon was not formed by the scouring of the current ice sheet, but was older, going back to the Pliocene just before the so-called Ice Age began. The authors of the paper, publishing in the journal Geology, wrote,
The Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) covers a complex network of canyons thought to be preglacial and fluvial in origin, implying that these features have influenced the ice sheet since its inception.

Their solution for the origin of the canyon was to use catastrophic waterflow instead.

Massive canyons are a global phenomenon. Common global
features require a common global explanation. And the receding phase of the Flood provides us with the perfect conditions to carve large canyons. The sheer volume of water that had to drain off the continents provides the water necessary to rapidly carve these canyons in a matter of weeks or a few months. These canyons didn’t need a lot of time, just sufficient volumes of floodwaters.
All of these major canyons we see today are reminders of the immense power of the Flood’s waters. Even their recession left the fingerprints of “grand” canyons as a witness to God’s global judgment by water as recorded in the book of Genesis.

God truly left the evidence Carved in Stone."