Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Creation Moment 6/3/2020 - Darwinian Nonsense from the Bough that May Break

I have seen the foolish taking root: Job 5:8

"Males often outcompete females in sports because of their higher average muscle mass and height; that was the reason fro Title IX in the Civil Rights Act (until “transgender rights” started robbing
them of their titles, a situation that is starting to change back to reality and common sense).

But there is a sport where women do just as well as men, if not better: rock climbing. It must have an “evolutionary origin,” Carroll says. That can only mean one thing: it dates back to the trees we evolved in.

Let’s quote the Abstract so that we can be indoctrinated, once again, into to iron-clad rule that whatever exists, no matter how well-designed it looks, no matter how puzzling to the Darwin Party, no matter how baffling it looks to the uninitiated, no matter the propensity for unsubstantiated just-so stories, must be explainable by Darwin storytelling. That’s all you need to know.
The human body is exceptional for many reasons, not the least of which is the wide variety of movements it is capable of executing. Because our species is able to execute so many discrete activities, researchers often
disagree on which were the movements most essential to the evolution of our species. This paper continues a recently introduced analysis, that the performance gap between female and male athletes narrows in sports which most reflect movements humans evolved to do. Here, I examine the performance gap in rock climbing. Because rock climbing is so similar to tree climbing, which bountiful evidence suggests has been key to the origin and proliferation of our species, we would expect to see a narrow performance gap between men and women in the sport. Indeed, this is the case. Female climbers are some of the best in the world irrespective of gender, a trend that is not found in any other major sport. I conclude that exceptional ability of female climbers is further evidence of the existence of sex-blind musculoskeletal adaptations, which developed over the course of human evolution to facilitate essential movements. These adaptations abate the general physical sexual dimorphism which exists in humans. This paper provides more evidence that the performance gap in sport can be used as a measure of human evolution.
The performance gap in sport can be used as a measure of human evolution when it is wide, or when it is narrow. It explains why males are better weightlifters and faster runners, but it also explains why women are better rock climbers.
---How males lifted weights in trees is not clear, but stop asking questions.  Just believe."