Wednesday, May 20, 2020

IN the NEWS - EU Forgot....

And don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning.....Jude 1:7 NLT  (I guess the EU Forgot)

"On May 17, 2020, the European Union paid tribute to the LGBT+ movement by honoring the International Day Against
Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia during the annual May 17 celebration.

Make no mistake, this is pure evil and not worth celebrating. It must be denounced and prohibited. This is all part of the LGBT+ indoctrination that has seeped into all institutions, including churches and even Adventism.
Our land is cursed with a curse.
The European Union has dedicated itself to perpetuating this evil on earth. God’s law is being violated, and this is part of the reason for the moral decay we see in society."