Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Creation Moment 5/21/2020 - "Big Bang" Problems SERIES: Missing Population III Stars

Missing Population III Stars
"The big-bang model by itself can only account for the existence of the three lightest elements (hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of lithium).
--This leaves about 90 or so of the other naturally occurring elements to be explained.

--Since the conditions in the big bang are not right to form these heavier elements (as big-bang supporters readily concede), secular astronomers believe that stars have produced the remaining elements by nuclear fusion in the core.
--This is thought to occur in the final stages of a massive star as it explodes (a supernova).
--The explosion then distributes the heavier elements into space. --Second- and third-generation stars are thus “contaminated” with small amounts of these heavier elements.

If this story were true, then the first stars would have been comprised of only the three lightest elements (since these would have been the only elements in existence initially).

--Some such stars should still be around today since their potential life span is calculated to exceed the (big bang) age of the universe. Such stars would be called “Population III” stars.

*Amazingly (to those who believe in the big bang), Population III stars have not been found anywhere.
All known stars have at least trace amounts of heavy elements in them. It is amazing to think that our galaxy alone is estimated to have over 100 billion stars in it, yet not one star has been discovered that is comprised of only the three lightest elements."
...he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16