Thursday, April 9, 2020

Why Study the Types & Symbols?

Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount. Hebrews 8:5

"ETERNITY can never fathom the depth of love revealed in the cross of Calvary.

---It was there that the infinite love of Christ and the unbounded selfishness of Satan stood face to face.
---The entire system of Judaism, with its types and symbols, was a shadow of the cross, extending from Calvary back to the gate of Eden, and contained a compacted prophecy of the gospel.

At the present day the person who comes to the study of the New Testament through the interpreting lights of the types and symbols of the Levitical services, finds a depth and richness in the study that are found in no other way....types and symbols of the sanctuary service, ...may arrest the attention of the thoughtless, give the Christian new views of Christ's character, and lead many into the sunlight of God's love."