Thursday, April 9, 2020

Creation Moment 4/10/2020 - When "scientist" talk like the Foolish

Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. Job 2:10

"Prof Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy is a chemist at The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California. He and his team have
an idea that a compound called diamidophosphate (DAP) might have been involved in a crucial stage in the origin of life—called phosphorylation—to bring together nucleotides, peptides and lipids.
But he rather gives the game away: “With DAP and water and these mild conditions, you can get these three important classes of pre-biological molecules to come together and be transformed, creating the opportunity for them to interact together … It reminds me of the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella, who waves a wand and ‘poof’, ‘poof’, ‘poof’, everything simple is transformed into something more complex and interesting.