Saturday, April 18, 2020

IN the NEWS - Rebecca's Deceit

Everything they say is crooked and deceitful.
They refuse to act wisely or do good.
They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots.
Their actions are never good.
Psalm 36:3,4

"Ugandan Speaker of House Rebecca Kadaga faced criticism this week after unveiling a spray she said kills the Chinese
coronavirus. She supplied no corroborating scientific evidence to back her claim.

Her comments were heavily criticized by the public and the  Ugandan Medical Association, who urged people to discard her advice, pointing out that no vaccine for the coronavirus has yet been developed and accusing her of giving false hope to people with false information.

On Wednesday, Kadaga unveiled the new spray, arguing in a television interview that she never described the treatment as a vaccine and claiming her critics were merely excited.
The sanitizer is here, this is the one … the people got excited, now they are quiet,” she said. “I couldn’t have called it a vaccine. I said it’s a spray that kills the virus instantly.”