Sunday, April 19, 2020

Creation Moment 4/20/2020 - Darwinian Nonsense on Squatting

"Sitting, squatting, and the evolutionary biology of human inactivity (PNAS). Observation: when people have no chair to sit on, they squat. Oh, but there must be an evolutionary explanation for that!
Inactivity is a growing public health risk in industrialized societies, leading some to suggest that our bodies did not evolve to be sedentary.
Hold on – who was led to suggest that our bodies evolved?
Arrest him for impersonating a scientist!
Here, we show that, in a group of hunter-gatherers, time spent sedentary is similar to that found in industrialized populations. However, sedentary time in hunter-gatherers
is often spent in postures like squatting that lead to higher levels of muscle activity than chair sitting. Thus, we suggest human physiology likely evolved in a context that included substantial inactivity, but increased muscle activity during sedentary time, suggesting an inactivity mismatch with the more common chair-sitting postures found in contemporary urban populations.
If only, if only. If only evolutionary biologists had to face serious critiques from those outside the Darwin Party, these storytellers would be shamed back to the stone age. But the totalitarian dictatorship of the ruling Darwin Party forbids it.

Their “Inactivity Mismatch Hypothesis” ain’t worth squat.
So, evolution made the Hadza hunter-gatherers get some metabolic benefit from squatting?
But guess what, storytellers! Evolution also made moderns like you prefer sitting in chairs.
Try your hand at making up a story about that. How about, “We suggest that chair-sitting likely evolved in a context that included substantial attendance at scientific conferences, but increased brain activity during sitting time, suggesting a mismatch from the ancient habit of squatting in holes in favor of using toilet seats.” Works just as well."
I have seen the foolish taking root: Job 5:3