Monday, April 6, 2020

IN the NEWS - Idolatry via Helicopter?

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. Jeremiah 7:18

Now Let's Just Be Honest---Do Any Of You Really Think That An Old Fashioned Idol Will Protect Panama From The "Disease"?....(btw, Howard Air Force Base?...hmmm...I was there in the Air Force in '89 during that Noriega thing...never thought it would end up on this blog in the 2020's...small world)

"Archbishop carried the statue of Santa Maria La Antigua, Panama's patron saint, in order to 'protect the country from the disease'.

Archbishop Jose Domingo Ulloa celebrated the mass in Howard Air Force base in Panama before flying over Panama City's streets and deserted countryside. The Archbishop was accompanied by two priests.
Ulloa covered his face with a white mask while traveling over the city in a helicopter.
The archbishop carried the statue of Santa Maria La Antigua, Panama's patron saint, in order to "protect the country from the disease."
The residents placed palm fronds on their balconies and front doors to receive the blessings.
The Central American country has reported the latest figures to be 1,801 infections with 46 deaths. Panama has gone into complete lockdown after closing schools and borders. Last week people were allowed to go out on alternative days to buy medicines and essential goods."