Monday, April 6, 2020

Digging Deeper Into Paul On Marriage

"Do you believe in marriage?
Does the Bible teach that marriage is holy?
Yes, it is so explicit in the Bible: “Marriage is holy in all things and the marriage bed is not defiled.” Hebrews 13:4.

But in regard to marriage, Paul said, “What I am really talking
about is Christ and the church.”
(See Ephesians 5:32.) “The two [quoting from Genesis 2:24 where God instituted the marriage relationship] shall be one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31.

So if the two are one flesh it is holy.
But what if it is three?
Is it holy then?
No, it is not holy any more. It is wicked.

Now let us think this through. Paul says, what I am really talking about here, when I talk about the two being one flesh, is Christ and the church.
The church is the bride of Christ.
Is that what the Bible says? Yes, and Paul says, I have espoused you to how many husbands? One.
God gave Adam only one wife and He gave Eve only one husband.

Now the church is to be espoused to Christ and Christ says, “My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18:36.

What if the church that is to be espoused to Christ, instead of
having her relationship totally with the Lord, develops a relationship with a civil government in this world? What then?

The church has two husbands.
Can you have two husbands and be holy? No.
Would you agree that a woman who has two husbands is a harlot? So, anytime any church develops a union with the state, that church has become a harlot because the church is to be united with the Lord only."