Thursday, March 12, 2020

Papal Notes - Querida Amazonia

"There are several reasons why Christianity is losing its biblical distinctiveness. One of the main reasons is that the church in the West is embracing the philosophies of the East.

The Vatican has published an apostolic exhortation called ‘Querida Amazonia’ (Dear Amazon), signed by Pope Francis on February 2, 2020.

 Pope Francis lays out his pantheistic vision for the Amazonian region and beyond in ‘Querida Amazonia,’ which contains 111 sections in 4 chapters.

In Section #74 of ‘Querida Amazonia’ the Pope promotes ancient spiritualism, earth worship and animism. He basically says that the Creator is in all things. He is one with the materialistic world. According to Pope Francis, Jesus is equal to creation and one with nature:
Section #74. “Similarly, a relationship with Jesus Christ, true God and true man, liberator and redeemer, is not inimical to the markedly cosmic worldview that characterizes the indigenous peoples, since he is also the Risen Lord who permeates all things. In Christian experience, all the creatures of the material universe find their true meaning in the incarnate Word, for the Son of God has incorporated in his person part of the material world, planting in it a seed of definitive transformation. He is present in a glorious and mysterious way in the river, the trees, the fish and the wind, as the Lord who reigns in creation without ever losing his transfigured wounds, while in the Eucharist he takes up the elements of this world and confers on all things the meaning of the paschal gift.”
This claim by Pope Francis is simply not true. This statement contradicts the clear statements of God’s word. The Pope’s apostolic exhortation is promoting classical pantheistic teachings. This is pure Mother Earth worship.
The creation is being worshipped as the Creator (Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator....Romans 1:25)."