Thursday, March 12, 2020

Divine Knocker

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock... Revelation 3:20

"What does it mean to open the door of your heart to the Divine Knocker?

Many ministers and people who have been Christians for a long time have somehow overlooked this. If you want to go in through the door, you have to have your sins forgiven. Sin cannot exist in the presence of God. All sin and sinners will eventually get destroyed.

Ellen White said she was terrified because there were so many people in the church in her day with only a superficial conversion.
---A superficial conversion is that of a person who is not really sorry for his or her sins, but only for the consequences.
---Repentance is something that only the Holy Spirit can produce in the human being.
---True repentance, which is sorrow for sin and turning away from it, occurs when that person confesses their sins, not only to God, but to whomever they have injured. Any sin covered up instead of being repented of and confessed will prevent that person from entering through the door."