Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ecumenical Truce with Egypt?

For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth.
Exodus 9:14

"Egypt credited her blessings to their many gods. Egypt rejected the knowledge of the true God, which they knew through Joseph, and instead chose to oppress God’s people.

The book of Exodus describes a battle between the God of heaven and the gods of men.

In this conflict God was not seeking a compromise, inter-religious
dialogue or an ecumenical truce with Egypt.
He sought to vindicate his people and deliver them from Egypt.

He defeated the Egyptian gods of the Nile, their gods of the fields and harvest and their gods of the sun, moon, sky, and earth by exposing these worthless idols in the strongest possible way. By targeting their false deities, God showed His absolute sovereignty over them.

If Moses and Aaron had shared the same compromising attitude that exists in the church today, Israel would never have left Egypt. If God’s chosen leaders had followed the popular sentiments of interfaith worship and collaboration, the second book of the Bible would have been called the book of Ecumenism” and not the book of “Exodus.”

We forget that the true slaves were the ancient Egyptians who were
lost and in need of salvation because of their gods.
The 10 plagues of Egypt were much more than just a judgment.
God was demonstrating His power over all creation."