Sunday, March 29, 2020

Creation Moment 3/30/2020 - Ford / Cadillac Morphology?

Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him?
Job 40:2

"Morphology, or studies in comparative anatomy, has no evidential value for well-informed scientists today, and can be of service in proving evolution only for those who do not know the results of modern scientific study.

Accordingly, when the skeleton of the gorilla is stood up alongside that of a man, and it is pointed out that every bone in the one is to be found in the other, it is only as if we were to place a Ford alongside of a Cadillac, and point out how many parts of the one are duplicated in the other. It is only by a trick of logic that such a comparison would lead us to say that the Cadillac has evolved from a Ford.

The man who would seriously apply such a method of comparison to proving that man has evolved from lower animals, does not show much evidence of clear thinking."