Saturday, February 1, 2020

Papal Notes - Will Francis Meet Oliver/Olivia?

"Germany’s most famous drag queen hopes to meet Pope Francis in person, dressed in drag, and challenge the Pope to approve of homosexual “marriage” and to open up ministries for women.

Oliver Knöbel, a man who presents himself in Germany as drag queen “Olivia Jones,” said he is aspiring to attend a general audience with Pope Francis while dressed as a woman.

He even hopes for a group audience with the “Olivia Jones Family,” a group of transvestites and comedians.

Several institutions and persons,” Knöbel's manager said, “have already offered assistance with the organization.” Such a meeting would be a “sensation,” he added. 

According to the website of the German bishops,,
Archbishop Stephan Hesse would be the responsible local bishop who could write such a letter of recommendation for Mr. Knöbel. Hesse, together with the Vice-President of the German Bishops' Conference recently wrote a foreword to a book promoting the idea of blessing homosexual couples in the Catholic Church."
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13