Sunday, February 23, 2020

Meaning of being the "Salt"

"The object of God in choosing a people before all the world, was
not only that he might adopt them as his sons and daughters, but that through them he might confer on the world the benefits of divine illumination.

When the Lord chose Abraham it was not simply to be the special friend of God, but to be a medium of the precious and peculiar privileges the Lord desired to bestow upon the nations. He was to be a light amid the moral darkness of his surroundings.

Jesus has said of his followers, "Ye are the light of the world," "a city set upon a hill" that "cannot be hid;"

"Ye are the salt of the earth." And when God makes his children salt,
it is not only for their own preservation,
but that they may be agents in preserving others.
The religion of Christ is not a selfish religion. It is not to be kept under lock and key, but it is to be an influence of power going forth from every genuine Christian to enlighten those that sit in darkness."
E.G.W./Matthew 5:13,14