Sunday, January 12, 2020

Papal Notes - A Little Weird...

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Pope Francis assisted the “I Can” Global Children’s Summit in Rome, Italy. 3,500 kids from 40 countries came together to discuss how to become agents of change. The “I Can” Global Children’s
Summit was inspired by Pope Francis’ Laudato Si” encyclical.
The Pope was welcomed with a strange ballet performance in which a young boy dressed in tights danced for the Roman Catholic leadership.
The poor boy is a lamb prancing around in the company of ravaging wolves. For thousands of years Catholic families have been entrusting their children to predatory priests only to see them abused and destroyed. What greater evil can there be in this world than the wholesale, systematic raping of children? This has happened in every Catholic archdiocese, in every nation and in every culture wherever Rome has a presence. And not just in this age but in every age for millennia."