Sunday, January 12, 2020

Martin Luther Wrote about it back in the 16th century

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Martin Luther published a pamphlet in 1531 called Warnunge D. Martini Luther/ An seine lieben Deudschen (Dr. Luther’s Warning to the German People). This pamphlet is found on page 38 of Luther’s Works Volume 47 and gives Luther’s assessment of Rome’s child sex crisis in his generation:
More remarkable yet, in the same bull they decided that a
cardinal should not keep as many boys in the future. However, Pope Leo commanded that this be deleted; otherwise it would have been spread throughout the whole world how openly and shamelessly the pope and the cardinals in Rome practice sodomy … This vice is so prevalent among them that recently a pope caused his own death by means of this sin and vice. In fact, he died on the spot” (Luther’s Work Volume 47, p. 38).
Martin Luther revealed that Pope Leo X was against an effort to publish a decree limiting the number of young boys a Catholic Cardinal could keep in his home for the purposes of abusing them sexually.
Luther is not saying that the Cardinals were against child sex abuse, only that they wanted to limit the number of child sex partners they could have to just a few; however, Luther claimed that Pope Leo X was against publishing in a decree (bull) these limits for fear of publicizing these abominations."