Saturday, January 11, 2020

IN the NEWS - Lessons of a Unsanctified "Pastors"

For there were many in the congregation that were not sanctified:
2 Chronicles 30:17
This tragic story illustrates what happens when those of a Church, in particular in Leadership, aren't of a Sanctified Imagine Eternity with people like this...this is why Sanctification is a component of True Righteousness by Faith. Receive His free Justification, then He expects you to be on the path of Sanctification...

"A troubled marriage between husband and wife co-pastors ended in a bloody murder-suicide in Kenya Sunday when the husband fatally stabbed his wife of 20 years and mother of his four children, then slit his own throat in front of their congregants.

Witnesses to the murder suicide said that pastor Elisha Misiko, 55, of Ground for God's Gospel Ministries in Mombasa and his wife, Senior Pastor Ann Mughoi, had been feuding for months over the management of the church.

Tensions between the two exploded unexpectedly Sunday when Misiko calmly entered the church Sunday at about 9 a.m., worshipers told the Daily Nation, and sat next to his wife on the pulpit.
As the service was underway, Misiko got up from his seat and appeared at first to be saying something to his wife but quickly pulled two knives from under his shirt and began stabbing her multiple times.
"The husband moved stealthily toward his wife and stabbed her in the back. When he tried to slit her throat, she blocked him, injuring her hand," Amuri said.
Worshipers eventually intervened to stop the attack but not before Misiko had stabbed his wife several times. Misiko reportedly slit his own throat as they tried to save his wife.
Police later revealed that Misiko had left behind a 17-page suicide note, The Star said, he titled Betrayal and Consequences."