Saturday, January 11, 2020

Bates Nails it on the 1335 Days/Years of Dan. 12

"Do the 1335 days of Dan. xii. 12 reach to the end of the wonders in verse 6?
We answer, they do not.
We understand that the same period of time from the beginning of

the cleansing of the Sanctuary in 1844 to the breaking of the little horn without hand in Dan. viii, which extended beyond the 2300 days, will also be found between the 1335 days and the end of the Wonders in Dan. xii; because we further show that the 1335 days ended with the 2300 in 1844.

--In the typical day of atonement under the first covenant the earthly Sanctuary was cleansed at an appointed time once a year, at which time the lot was cast to obtain blood for a sin-offering which the high priest bore into the most holy place to make an atonement for the transgressions of Israel in all their sins. 
--Thus all Israel were in their lot. In the antitypical day of atonement under the new covenant the time appointed for cleansing the Sanctuary is unto 2300 days. This being the day of atonement.

It was previously declared to Daniel, "Thou shall rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." This shows most clearly that both of these periods, viz., the 2300 and 1335 days bring all of God's people in their lot, to be cleansed from all, their sins by the precious blood of Christ in the antitypical day of atonement.

And when the great High Priest has accomplished the work for them all, even to the last, and the sins of Israel are all blotted out forever, the living saints will surely know (and so will you, if faithful) that "blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days." Daniel stands in his lot with all the righteous dead, that all their sins of ignorance may be blotted out before the resurrection.

The prophetic periods as you see are all ended, and we are now living in the day of atonement; the finishing, crowning work of God ; being address- ed by the third angel, declaring "here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus."
When this message closes the work is done. The mandate will then go forth, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; he which is righteous, let him be righteous still." 

--We are also living in the Laodicean, the last state of the church, in imminent danger of being spued out of the Savior's mouth, unless we hastily repent and seek a closer walk with God."
Joseph Bates