Monday, December 2, 2019

SDA Issues - Trans-European Division goes all 1 Sam. 15:23

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
1 Samuel 15:23

"On Friday 22, 2019 the Executive Committee of the Trans-European Division (TED) voted by an “overwhelming majority” to stand in solidarity with three of its Union Conferences who were given warnings for their non-compliance on women’s ordination.

Ever since the world church voted in 2015 not to ordain women into the ministry these three Union Conferences responded by refusing to ordain men in protest. They claim that this protest is in harmony with “conscience and local culture.”
Q: What kind of “culture” do they want to be in harmony with?
Q:Biblical culture
Q: or local European, post-modern, post-Christian culture that has been corrupted with humanism, feminism and LGBT-ism?
Do they want the gospel order that was established by God or do they want to adopt a feminist, sexless, genderless ministry where there are no distinctions between men and women?
So, whose plan for the church will we embrace? God’s or man’s? Instead of trying to imitate our culture we need to influence the world with the gospel. Instead of embracing the unbiblical theories of feminism we should avoid these dangerous errors:
Error is never harmless. It never sanctifies, but always brings confusion and dissension. It is always dangerous. The enemy has great power over minds that are not thoroughly fortified by prayer and established in Bible truth” (Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 292).
The Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists has voted to join the revolt and stand in solidarity with its non-compliant unions.
The same liberal, feminist theories that have ravaged our culture are now bringing confusion to God’s people as the roles of men and women are being redefined in our church and in our home. These soul-destroying errors were created by a godless society and they are now being embraced by an entire division within Adventism."