Monday, December 2, 2019

IN the NEWS - When a "church school" goes all Gen.6:5 on children

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"Catholic parents are outraged after discovering that a pro-LGBT+ education program, opposed by Muslim parents, is being used by
Catholic primary schools after it was authorized by the archdiocese of Liverpool......archdiocese's Department of Education endorses the "No Outsiders" curriculum, fiercely criticized for seeking to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism among children, as "still current and fine to use in school."
The archdiocese advises teachers and parents to conceal this information and use an alternative nomenclature for the sex education syllabus: "Given the current climate, it might be better not to post on social media and use the term 'All are Welcome' for the time being to avoid adverse publicity."
Open homosexual Andrew Moffat, author and promoter of "No Outsiders," candidly states in his introduction to the 87-page coursebook that children must be told that "to be a person who is gay or lesbian or transgender or bi-sexual is normal, acceptable and ok."