Sunday, December 29, 2019

IN the News - Sins of Sodom Leads to Crucifix down the Throat

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"French police have arrested a man for killing an
accused homosexual predator priest by ramming a crucifix down his throat.
Nineteen-year-old Alexandre V. is being charged with murder and torture, after police caught him fleeing the home of 91-year-old Fr. Roger Matassoli in Agnetz in the Oise department in northern France. The priest was found dead in his home, a crucifix protruding from his mouth.
According to the prosecutor, "the victim died in manifestly violent conditions," an autopsy revealing "death by asphyxiation," with "traces of blows to the abdomen, the skull and the face."
According to Alexandre's attorney, both Alexandre and his father were abused by Matassoli.
"We know today that his father was a victim of the priest," said Caty Richards. "We also know that his father tried to protect his children, and then after the divorce, he [Alexandre] fell back into Matassoli's grip."

According to FranceInfo, a woman named Colette from Saint-André-Farivillers in Picardy claims her now-deceased brother Jacques was abused from age 6–15, and that the town had had suspicions about the priest since at least the 1980s.
"He told me that he took a naked shower at the abbot's house and that Matassoli was also naked," Colette said of her brother, 22 at the time he confessed the abuse.
She pressed him further, leading him to break down in tears: "He told me that [the priest] masturbated on him," among other things.
"The people who could have protected the children protected the priest," she said. "The priest knew how to manipulate people so we said nothing."
After other abuse allegations, the diocese of Beauvais removed Matissoli from priestly ministry in 2009."