Sunday, December 29, 2019

Creation Moment 12/30/2019 - What IF Altair were our Sun?

There's a Reason we have our Sun and not Altair for a Sun...
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day..
Genesis 1:16

"Altair is only 16.8 light-years away from Earth, making it one of our nearest stellar neighbors. At least two features of the star Altair make it distinctive.

First, Altair rotates rapidly.
This star requires only about 10 hours to spin once on its axis, in contrast to 24 hours for our Earth to spin or roughly a month for our sun.
In other words, this mighty star spins on its axis more rapidly than Earth!
This rapid rotation tends to flatten the star a bit, much as a pizza crust flattens as it spins. Rough estimates are that Altair’s flattening is about 14 percent.
The sun also is an oblate spheroid, although its flattening is
difficult to measure due to the low rotation rate.

Second, Altair stands out because it is a weak and unusual variable star with as many as nine different rates of brightness waxings and wanings. The brightness variations are too small to measure without sensitive instruments, but likely are related to the star’s high rotation rate.

By the way, if Altair were substituted for our sun, at the distance the sun is now, life on Earth would be doomed, as Altair shines with 11 times the sun’s visible light."