Friday, November 8, 2019

IN the NEWS - MOLECH is Back to Mock Christian Martyr site?

"Tourists that visit the Colosseum in Rome these days are getting quite a shock. 
A gigantic statue of a pagan Canaanite deity known as “Molech” has been erected right at the entrance. 
*In ancient times, those that served Molech would literally sacrifice their children to him, and apparently this involved burning them to death.

And now a massive statue of this pagan idol is the centerpiece of a new “archaeological exhibition” at the world famous Roman Colosseum.  Yes, the exact same Colosseum where countless numbers of Christians were martyred for their faith is now the home for one of the most monstrous pagan deities that the world has ever seen.

One woman that recently visited the Colosseum told LifeSiteNews what she witnessed…
We were so excited the day we decided to go to the Colosseum,” Alexandra Clark told LifeSiteNews via email. She and her sister Tiffany were looking forward to visiting the site of Christian martyrdom.
But the moment we got there the sight that greeted us was horrifying! Standing guard over the entrance was the colossal pagan statue of Molech. It was placed in that prime spot so that everyone that entered into the Colosseum had to pass it,” she continued.

And what makes this even more shocking is that the Colosseum is actually controlled by the Vatican.  The following comes from Breaking Israel News
A source close to the matter told Breaking Israel News that: “There is no way that such a thing could be done without direct permission from the highest levels of the Vatican. The Colloseum of Rome is owned by the Vatican, and specifically the Diocese of Rome, also called the Holy See. If anyone wants to do anything there, they must get permissions from the office of the Diocese of Rome. This exhibition, called “Cathargo: the immortal myth” could not be held there at all unless permissions were granted at high levels.”

In Leviticus 18:21, the people of Israel are specifically warned against sacrificing their children to this monstrous idol… And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord....the way that these babies would be killed was truly horrific… The ancients would heat this idol up with fire until it was glowing, then they would take their newborn babies, place them on the arms of the idol, and watch them burn to death. I can’t help but compare today’s abortion massacre to the sacrifice of children by these ancient pagans. In both, innocent life is destroyed for the gain of the parent. truly is an abomination that a gigantic statue of Molech is now standing right at the entrance of the Colosseum where so many Christians were brutally slaughtered by the Romans.
Unfortunately, not many people are talking about this story, and even fewer are getting upset about it."