Monday, November 4, 2019

IN the NEWS - Human Flavored Sausage?

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

"Vegans are now making sausage with human blood, turning effectively to cannibalism for their nourishment, under the excuse that “no animals are harmed” in the sausage-making.

This trend began in Europe with Raúl Escuín, a Spanish man from Alloza, a remote village in Teruel province, who began to create sausage for people using their own blood so they wouldn’t hurt animals in order to enjoy a tasty breakfast treat.

A documentary about the sausage-maker went viral earlier in the year.

He told the press, “Yes, I know that humans are animals too and it is therefore an animal product, but if it doesn’t involve animal abuse then it truly conforms to the vegan ethos. If you are vegan and want to eat morcilla then the only option you have is to make it with your own blood.”
So far everyone who has tasted their own blood sausage has been surprised by how tasty it is!” Escuín insisted."