Monday, November 4, 2019

How Lucifer Put a Blur Upon Our Eyes

"Did man,
Q: at that time, in the garden of Eden, standing as God made him, know all of God that he ever could know?
A: No.

Then as each Sabbath day came, it would bring to him additional knowledge and presence of God.
Q: But who is this?
A: Christ.
Then if he had remained faithful, he would still have grown in the knowledge of God, in Himself, in His own experience, growing more and more in all that the nature of God is.

But he didn't stay there. He didn't remain faithful.
The creation was completed as God finished it, and all the host of them, and they were according to His own mind. That is so.

But Satan came in and swung man and all this world clear out of God's purpose entirely.
Reversed God's order, so that, where God was reflected to man's mind in all things above and in man himself before,
--now Satan is reflected in man
--and that puts a blur upon the reflection of God in anything,
--so that the natural man does not see God, even in nature."
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1 Corinthians 2:14