Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Secret to Prayer

"Watch ye therefore, and pray always," (Luke 21:36) is the injunction of Christ to His disciples.

God has made it our duty to pray.

The riches of the universe belong to Him.
He has all temporal and spiritual treasures at His command, and can supply every want from His abundant fulness. 
We receive our breath from Him; every temporal blessing that we enjoy is His gift.

We are compassed with
--weakness and infirmities,
--doubts and temptations;
but we can come to Jesus in our need, and He will not turn us away empty.

Faith takes God at His word,
with or without feeling.

We must not pray in a doubting, half-hearted manner, but with full assurance of faith. When we come to Him in this manner, Jesus will listen to our prayers, and will answer them;
--if we regard iniquity in our hearts,
--if we cherish any darling sin,
we may be assured that no blessing will be given in response to our prayers."
The Bible Echo, September 24, 1894 E.G.W.