Tuesday, October 8, 2019

IN the NEWS - Herdsmen of the devil

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning...
John 8:44

"Muslim Fulani herdsmen kidnapped and killed a pastor’s wife in Nigeria’s Kaduna state after breaking her legs so she could not
On Sept. 14, Esther Ishaku Katung was kidnapped along with her husband, the Rev. Ishaku Katung, and several other Christians when herdsmen broke into their home on church premises as they slept.
While the couple initially escaped, Esther was recaptured by the herdsmen.
She attempted to escape with two others after they were kidnapped by the herdsmen; this infuriated the herdsmen, leading them to kill her. They broke her legs in order to prevent her from escaping and smashed her head too. This led to her death.
After killing Esther, the herdsmen demanded a ransom of $690 (250,000 naira) from her family. After receiving the payment, the abductors revealed they had already killed the Christian woman."