Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rosary- a "Lucky Charm" / "Rabbit's Foot"

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Matthew 6:7

"Roman Catholicism has highly encouraged the use of the Rosary. This is like a lucky charm.

Its mere presence can signify election. One 15th Century writer
claimed the following, “I do not know,” De la Roche, missionary to France says, “nor do I see clearly, how it can be that a devotion which seems so small can be the infallible sign of eternal salvation and how its absence can be the sign of God’s eternal displeasure; nevertheless, nothing could possibly be more true .”

The absence of prayer with the rosary is evidence of God’s displeasure. Nonsense. The rosary is a spiritual rabbit’s foot.

Praying the Rosary is similar to transcendental meditation with its repetitive chants or thoughts. In this way of spiritualism, the rosary is considered a sure means to draw one closer to God.
Jesus spoke of those who prayed in such a repetitive manner, thinking that they would score spiritual points of divine favor. Jesus dispelled that myth.

The rosary does not please the deity. Neither will statues, candles, vigils, tears, Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, and Popes. Trinkets like prayer cards, beads, crucifixes, chains and medallions with saints engraved, as well as the rosary itself, could well be a sign of God’s great displeasure as they are drawing attention away from Jesus Christ, where His life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and intercession is the only hope for sinners."