Saturday, October 12, 2019

ARCHAEOLOGY: Ein Iron area

And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Genesis 10:10
"Archaeologists in Israel have discovered the remains of a huge 5,000-year-old city described as an “Early Bronze Age New York.”
Experts from the Israel Antiquities Authority have been excavating the site in the Ein Iron area in Northern Israel for two-and-a-half years. The city, which was once home to around 6,000 people, is
the largest of its type discovered in Israel. Archaeologists have found the remains of residential and public areas, as well as streets and alleys, in the fortified city.
 Tools from Egypt were discovered at the site, and archaeologists also uncovered a ritual temple in the ancient city, featuring a huge stone basin for liquids used in rituals. An area for storing burnt animal bones from sacrificial offerings was also found in the temple, along with figurines, one of which depicts a human head.
By the time of Abraham, Ein Esur would have already been old news. The massive cities in Mesopotamia and Egypt, furthermore, popped up rapidly without slow and gradual evolution.
This fits what the Bible says about mankind, and the dispersal at Babel after the Flood. There would only have been a short fuse after the Flood before the explosion of urban and cultural wonders all over the Fertile Crescent and beyond."