Sunday, October 6, 2019

Papal Notes - Painting the World Pagan Green

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6

"October 4, 2019 in the Vatican Gardens, Pope Francis presided
over the opening ceremony for the upcoming Pan-Amazon Synod of Bishops. Even though the Synod officially begins on October 6, 2019 and ends on October 27, 2019, the opening ceremony was held today. Indians from the Amazon offered prayers and praises to the earth during a ceremony that appeared more pagan than Christian.

The agenda for this much-awaited Vatican meeting was published months ago. The plan is not to convert the indigenous people of the Amazon with the gospel of Christ. The working document is more focused on converting the entire Christian world into earth worshippers. This Amazon Synod will promote
--pagan mysticism,
--Sunday sacredness,
--women’s ordination,
--eco-revolution and

But even before the official start of the Amazon Synod, indigenous leaders from the Amazon brought their pagan idolatry to the
Vatican during a ceremony dedicated to Mother Earth.
Wood carvings, candles, clay pots, coconuts, fruits and other objects representing the Amazon Jungle were placed on the ground while Roman Catholics and indigenous people formed a circled and knelt down and bowed before them – not to Christ!

All this was done as part of the inaugural ceremony while Pope Francis presided over the entire event. Prayers for the earth, elaborate tree planting rituals, pagan dances, the sprinkling of water and bowing down to earthly objects are all expressions of earth worship.

Our “common home,” which is a reference to our planet’s ecology, is what we will be hearing during the Amazon Synod. Instead of
preparing for the eternal and final home that God is preparing for us (John 14:1-3), the new mission is to shape and mold this present world with nature-worship, religious mysticism and radical environmentalism.
These are becoming the new belief system for western civilization. This is what the Vatican is endorsing. They are confusing God with ecology."