Sunday, October 6, 2019

IN the NEWS - New "11th" Commandment

Every word of God proves true;
He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
Do not add to His words,
lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar.
Proverbs 30:5,6

"Cardinal Carlos Osoro Sierra is the Archbishop of Madrid, Spain.
Earlier this month he was celebrating the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.” This is an annual interfaith event established by Pope Francis to organize efforts to protect our planet.

 Cardinal Osoro told the participants that “the destruction of the ecosystem was a sin against God and against His creation.”

Rome believes that they can create, change or define moral law.
In fact, they have already changed the 10 Commandment moral law of God by
--deleting the 2nd  Commandment (forbidding idol worship), --changing the 4th Commandment (substituting Saturday for Sunday)
--and splitting the 10th Commandment to make up the difference for eliminating the 2nd Commandment.
--Having also neutralized the 9th Commandment (Exodus 20:16) with politically correct speech and having
--become weak on the 6th Commandment (abortion)
the modern church today is now INVENTING new sins against ecology to conceal the real sins being committed against God’s law.
Thou shalt not sin against our ecology” seems to be the new law (11th commandment) of the Roman Catholic Church, but what exactly is the “sin against creation” that Cardinal Osoro is talking about?
Is he talking about sinning against Mother Earth? Do we sin by using plastic straws or by driving cars that use fossil fuels? How exactly does man himself determine what sin is?"