Sunday, September 29, 2019

IN the NEWS - New "True Righteousness By Faith" pushed

True Righteousness By Faith is Justification (Grace) + Sanctification (Obedience).
This is laid out in the outlay of the Sanctuary for all to view.
Neither do I condemn thee: (Justification)
go, and sin no more. (Sanctification) John 8:11

How the world breaks the everlasting covenant is that they disconnect the two.
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;
because they have transgressed the laws, (Broken God's Law-global counterfeit Sabbath)
changed the ordinance, (Changed 4th Commandment from Sabbath to Sunday)
broken the everlasting covenant. (Disconnect Justification/Grace from Sanctification/Obedience)
Isaiah 24:5

They do this by crying "Grace" while rejecting Obedience. (In other words---when the mark of the Beast is implemented Globally by Law, a Counterfeit Sabbath, strict Obedience to God isn't required they claim.)
---But---now they also have what may be another addition to Breaking the Everlasting Covenant:
By replacing Sanctification with going Green!!!
Their New "True Righteousness by Faith" is Justification + Going Green....
Read the article below for EVIDENCE....

 "Destroying the ecosystem is now a ‘sin’ against God. Carbon
emission (CO2) has become the new “transgression,” climate change is the new gospel and the Pope’s encyclical (Laudato Si) is the new standard for morality. These are the new moral imperatives being advanced by Rome.
 Cardinal Osoro told the participants that “the destruction of the ecosystem was a sin against God and against His creation.” Cardinal Osoro declared that we sin against creation when we “overexploit and pollute the oceans, destroy forests and jungles.”
The Archbishop of Madrid cited the papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ as the basis of this new morality and applauded the “priests, laity and civil organizations” for pushing the Pope’s initiatives. In other words, following Laudato Si will save our ecosystems while ignoring the Pope’s encyclical on climate change is a “sin against God and His creation.”