Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Paul Challenged the Athenian World View

Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said,
Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.
Acts 17:22
In the Last Line Below--think of men today who claim they are relayed to common beasts of the field...

"With hand outstretched toward the temple crowded with idols,
Paul poured out the burden of his soul, and exposed the fallacies of the religion of the Athenians.
The wisest of his hearers were astonished as they listened to his reasoning.
He showed himself familiar with their works of art, their literature, and their religion.
...Pointing to their statuary and idols,
---he declared that God could not be likened to forms of man's devising.
...These graven images could not, in the faintest sense,
---represent the glory of Jehovah.
...He reminded them that these images had no life,
---but were controlled by human power, moving only when the hands of men moved them;
*and therefore those who worshiped them were in every way superior to that which they worshiped."
Acts Of The Apostles E.G.W.