Saturday, August 3, 2019

IN the NEWS - When a Debate WAXES COLD

....the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12
Bragging on National TV about who supports the slaughter of the unborn more----a Debate Waxes Cold

"Kamala Harris was not pandering to voters but to the abortion industry Wednesday when she slammed fellow Democratic candidate Joe Biden for only recently supporting taxpayer-funded abortions.
Though she did not mention the word “abortion” at all during the Democratic presidential debate, according to Stylist, Harris basically asserted that she is more pro-abortion than Biden.
The candidates’ back-and-forth centered around the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer-funded, elective abortions in Medicaid. Biden once supported the amendment – a position that represents a strong majority of voters. Recently, however, he reversed his stance, caving to pressure from the billion-dollar abortion industry.

The Hill reports Harris aggressively questioned Biden about his new position during the debate Wednesday in Detroit.
On the Hyde Amendment, vice president, where you made a decision for years to withhold resources to poor women to have access to reproductive health care, including women who were the victims of rape and incest, do you now say that you have evolved and you regret that?” Harris said.
An aside, Harris is wrong. The Hyde Amendment does allow taxpayer-funded abortions for rape and incest. Even Planned Parenthood’s website says it.
She continued: “Only since you’ve been running for president this time, said that you in some way would take that back or you didn’t agree with that decision you made over many, many years and this directly impacted so many women in our country. I personally prosecuted rape cases and child molestation cases. And the experience those women have, those children have and would be denied resources, I think is unacceptable.”

Biden responded by defending his record of supporting abortion on demand.
I support a woman’s right to choose. I support — it’s a constitutional right. I’ve supported it and I will continue to support it, and I will move as president to see to it that the Congress legislates that that is the law as well,” Biden said, the Daily Caller reports.
Why did it take you so long to change your position on the Hyde Amendment?” Harris responded. “Why did it take so long until you were running for president to change your position on the Hyde Amendment?”
Because there was not full, federal funding for all reproductive services prior to this point,” Biden replied."